Notice List

  • 2018.5.2 【Summer Japanese sake】Junmaiginjo「Mr.Summer Time」May9 Sales start 
    宮寒梅 限定夏酒 「Mr. Summer Time」 2018年度限定                   サーカス40周年記念×寒梅酒造    コラボレーションラベル 平成30年5月9日(水) 蔵元出荷開始いたします。 今年は、なんとサマータイムを歌っているコーラスグループ 「サーカス」の40周年。 今期限定のコラボレーションラベルが実現いたしました。 ぜひ、今年の夏は「ミスターサマータイム」を飲んで、聴こう!!!! 【サーカス】よりコメント全文 1978年、ミスター・サマータイムでデビューを果たしたサーカスは今年で40周年。4人揃ってお酒好き。 ご縁あってコラボが実現!サーカス40周年アルバム“POP STEP 40”では歴代メンバー7人による「ミスターサマータイム」を収録。 今年の夏はみんなで「ミスター・サマータイム」を飲んで、聴こう。 あなたの心に染みわたれ。 華やかな香りとほのかな酸味。 この夏の思い出の日にご一緒したいお酒です。 過ぎ去る夜を惜しむように、ゆっくりご堪能ください。
  • 2018.4.5 代表社員交代のお知らせ 
    平成30年4月1日付けで、代表社員 岩﨑 隆聡が 会長、常務 岩﨑 健弥が 代表社員に就任いたしました。

    【会長】岩﨑 隆聡
    謹啓 早春の候 ますますご清栄のこととお慶び申し上げます
    さて 私儀 このたび代表社員を辞任し 会長に就任いたしました
    今後は酒蔵を後進に預け 専ら農事に身を砕く所存です
    厳しく育てた酒米で 美味い酒づくりを蔵の外から支えるとともに こと酒米に限らず
    後任には岩﨑 健弥が就任いたしました
    合名会社 寒梅酒造 会長 岩﨑 隆聡
    なお、会長 岩﨑隆聡は、今後「大崎つむぎ農園」として酒米栽培を中心とした米作り、農作物作り等により専門的に従事してまいります。よろしくお願い申し上げます

    【代表社員】岩﨑 健弥
    謹啓 時下ますますご隆昌のこととお慶び申し上げます
    さて 私儀 この度 岩﨑 隆聡の後任として代表社員に就任いたしました
    甚だ微力ではありますが 先代 そして先人たちによくならい 日本酒の妙味を一心に追求し
    何卒先代同様 格別のご指導ご鞭撻を賜りますようお願い申し上げます
    合名会社 寒梅酒造 代表社員 岩﨑 健弥
  • 2018.2.13 【New Products】Junmai Daiginjo Brewery grown YAMADANISHIKI 
    平成30年2月20日 蔵元出荷開始
    Using only the finest Yamadanishiki(King of sake-rice) grown at our own rice fields. Rich flavor and mild aroma makes you happy.
    当蔵社長 岩﨑隆聡自ら栽培した新たな挑戦の自社栽培米「山田錦」を100%使用。 ふっくら綺麗に旨味がほほえみ、スッと心地よくのどの奥へと遠ざかる。 自社栽培された酒米の雄・山田錦、そのポテンシャルを深奥から絞り尽くした渾身の大吟醸。
    原材料名 米(宮城県産)・麹米(宮城県産米)
    使用米 自社栽培山田錦100%
    精米歩合 40%
    アルコール分 16度
    内容量 1,800ml
  • 2018.2.13 Kanbai Shuzo 「siki」Wallpaper* DESIGN AWARDS 2018  オンラインショップはこちら
    Design Office nendo (oki sato)× kanbai shuzo  Not only the rice and water used, but the type of yeast, the number of times and when it is heated,
    and of course the actual brewer and the brewery as well. All of these factors play a role in the vastly differing tastes of Japanese sake variations. While this complexity and depth is part of the appeal of sake, it also leads to confusion and has been said to be a hindrance to its popularisation among younger people.
    But sake can generally be categorised into four different types, and with this in mind, four different glasses were designed, each specifically tailored to a single type. By also having the Kanbai sake brewery in Miyagi Prefecture craft four new brews of sake specifically for these glasses, our intention was to offer people a more accessible means of enjoying Japanese sake the way it was meant to be experienced.

    1. keikai
    For light, easy to drink sake, such as undiluted sake or honjozo varieties. The long body and narrow opening of this glass
    allow the taster to enjoy the fragrance of the sake as it slowly dissipates,
    while a tip of the glass delivers a thin stream of sake all the way to the back of the tongue for a clear, refreshing taste.

    2. koku  
    For rich, full-bodied sake, such as junmai varieties. The lower portion of the body of this glass bulges outward, trapping the fragrance of the sake within and allowing the taster to enjoy the lingering flavours. The shape of the glass delivers only a small amount of sake to the mouth with each sip so that the taster can enjoy the rich, full-bodied flavour bit by bit as if drinking from a small sake cup.

    3. kaori
    For particularly aromatic sake, such as ginjo varieties. The wide, bugle-shaped mouth of this glass allows the aroma of the sake to spread quickly, similar to the shallow, lacquered traditional sake cup. The glass delivers a substantial amount of sake with each drink, emphasising the fruity aroma of the sake as its flavours spread throughout the mouth in an instant. A larger surface area of sake making contact with the air helps promote oxidation, allowing the taster to also enjoy the transformation of the aroma.

    4. jyukusei 
    For aged sake, such as koshu or vintage varieties. The shape of this glass allows just the right amount of the smell of alcohol to escape and makes even the deep flavours of aged sake go down smooth. By not overemphasising its potent fragrance, the glass allows the taster to enjoy the natural flavours of the aged sake.

    To help reduce the effect of the hand’s warmth on the sake, not only can the glass be held by the stem, but the flared base of the glass has also intentionally been made thicker.
    Each glass holds 180ml of sake, which is equal to one “go” – the traditional unit of measurement used when serving sake. The glasses are designed so that when filled with 90ml (1/2 go) of sake, they not only give off an appearance of elegant balance, but also preserve adequate space for fragrance to linger. In a display of generosity and good will, glasses are sometimes placed inside
    of a wooden masu cup and filled until overflowing. When served in this traditional style, known as ‘mokkiri’, the glasses will hold exactly 180ml.
    The height of the glasses makes it so that the stem is hidden when placed inside of the masu cup, giving the impression that the body of the glass is floating on the surface of the liquid.
  • 2017.12.15 【Start shipping】Miyakanbai Junmai Daiginjo40% murokanakadori 
    Clear and balanced sake with good umami of rice.        
  • 2017.12.15 純米吟醸45%おりがらみ出荷開始 